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List of products by brand Jean Noel Gagnard

Winemaker in the Chassagne Montrachet

Jean-Noel Gagnard

Jean-Noël has long since retired, his daughter, Caroline Lestimé, has taken over the management of the vineyard, cellar and office at Domaine Jean-Noël Gagnard since the mid-1990s, recently joined by her husband Hubert. Caroline produces high quality authentic Chassagne in a way that respects both tradition and the environment. The borders of the Domaine include some beautiful vineyards including Chassagne-Montrachet Les Caillerets and Bâtard-Montrachet. The white wines are traditionally made, aged in barrels for a minimum of 18-20 months, of which only about a quarter are new, and bottled with only the very lightest of filtrations. They are expressive, impressive Chassagnes that reflect the complex nuances of their terroir. The estate is certified organic from the 2014 harvest year.

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