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Reference: pr#1160

Brand: Kono Wines

Kono Sauvignon Blanc

Area New Zealand, MarlboroughGrape Sauvignon BlancBottle 0.75 LAlc perc 12.5%Bottler KonoTo eat fish, seafood, goat cheese, saladsAllergens Sulphite
Price € 11.97
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List of products by brand Cave de Turckheim

Cave of Turckheim

For more than 60 years, the winemakers of Cave de Turckheim have been building their history with passion and enthusiasm. Today, the wines produced on the sunny slopes of Turckheim and the surrounding area enjoy a noble reputation.

In keeping with the spirit of the founders, building on the heritage handed down to us from our ancestors, it is our responsibility to continue developing a cooperative model for the future.

Passion, solidarity, human commitment, heritage preservation, dynamism and innovation are the pillars of our collective success.

Quality is a composite concept consisting of numerous elements. Each person defines their own quality criteria based on their interests and expectations, expressing different priorities.

At the Cave de Turckheim our work and actions are aimed at meeting all those interests and expectations as best we can.

We have always devoted our energy and passion to the production of quality wines; varietal wines, terroir wines, easy drinking wines and wines with aging potential. Our focus is on producing wines whose typicity and elegance are universally recognized.

Rigor, responsiveness and reliability are the objectives that drive our quality assurance system. In 1994, we were the first winery to achieve ISO 9002 certification. Cave de Turckheim has IFS and BRC High Level certifications for food quality and safety. These certifications guarantee our customers full traceability from the vine to the glass

The winegrowers of Cave de Turckheim are the current custodians of a long and illustrious history steeped in wine. Since 1955, the Cave de Turckheim has brought together the craft heirs of this distinguished heritage, reinforcing the bond between man, the earth and the fruits of the vine


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